
About Photography

Camera Eccentrica is all about large format photography and vintage lenses.  Pete’s hand-made cameras don’t just look amazing, they also take fabulous photographs.  They give you that timeless look that only comes from fine old lenses and huge black and white negatives.  Large format is the ultimate for portraiture, street photography, landscape and still life.  People respond to the cameras in a way that makes photography feel special again, and the resulting image quality is stunning. 

Pete is on hand to take beautiful portraits, in the studio, at your special event or on location.  He also offers introductory courses in large format photography, shooting and processing black and white film, and alternative photographic processes (wet plate collodion, paper negatives, cyanotype and van Dyke brown printing, glass plate positives).  He is a founder and director of Teddington Tintype, a studio in SW London offering wet plate collodion portraiture and workshops.  Go to to learn more…